Friday, November 16, 2007

last blog entry!

Studying EWS has been a great experience and having a wonderful and competent teacher like Miss Bina Shah only added to the joy! My writing skills have notably improved during this course in the context that many misconceptions that I had earlier about a good writing piece, have changed. For example now I know and even believe that a simple sentence written with honesty is way better than some pretentious one with fancy words. My true style of writing has also shaped up and it's just a matter of days that I will fully discover it.
The content covered during the course has been good too and the variety of topics offered has been the best part. That not only helped us develop our abilities in all kinds of writing but also saved us from getting bored. the Harvard Reader is a very good book, the guidelines mentioned in it are indeed very useful although I do think, better and more interesting essays should be included in the EWS book. Blogging is fun to do!
This may sound flattering but EWS is one of the very few courses I'm going to miss after they are over. I wish other teachers could learn the same teaching technique as Miss Bina's!

PS. I'm a big fan of your sarcastic humor! :)

1 comment:

Bina said...

It's been wonderful having you in my class. You are a strong writer and can do a lot with this talent. Use it wisely!